FUND PERFORMANCE — Performance data is total return, and is preliminary and subject to revision.
LIPPER AVERAGE — The Lipper Average is the average performance at NAV of all funds within a Lipper fund classification for the time period specified.
RANKINGS — The Lipper rankings displayed on this site are Percentile Rankings (NAV or Market). Funds are ranked by performance (NAV or Market) within their Lipper Classification, sorted in either ascending or descending order, then a percentage value between one and 100 percent is assigned to each member of the group. The top percentile (1) is designated the best performing whereas the bottom percentile (100) is the worst performing.
Rankings are based only on the universe shown. This listing might not represent the complete universe of funds tracked by Lipper Inc. Therefore; these rankings are incomplete and should not be used by investment companies for advertising. Investment companies interested in advertising should call Lipper's client services group at (877) 955-4773.
ALL INFORMATION — The data contained herein has been obtained from company reports, financial reporting services, periodicals and other resources believed to be reliable. Although carefully verified, data on compilations is not guaranteed by Lipper Inc. – A Reuters Company and may be incomplete. No offer or solicitations to buy or sell any of the securities herein is being made by Lipper.